Publishers Note (Aug/Sept 2019)
Dear Hairdressers,
The economy of Singapore isn’t looking that good. You can feel it. However, when you ask the bigger salons, are they feeling it that much as you felt? The answer is not really.
On the simple understanding of who their clients are, whether the economy is good or bad, it will not stop them from having their hair done. They will still go to the salon. The few possible problems are the salon might not be able to charge as much as they used to, or that the group of clients may not buy as many products as before. BUT they will still buy some.
HOW do you find more clients who are willing to spend more?
Upgrade your salon profile, polish up your image, get listed on Golden Scissors Award Salon website, revamp your hospitality system, relook at your products partnership, invest in advertising and marketing program. We have all you need to get a proper revamp of your business, please call us for advertising and marketing proposal and various salon improvement.
We do not advocate that you drop your clients who spend less but educate them of the importance of visiting a proper, qualified and renowned salon.
Do not hesitate to contact 90170235 or 97922711 for more enquiries. Or contact our office 67411906.
Thank you and enjoy making profits on your business.