GSA 2019 Fantasy Award Interviews
Gold - EX Style
Silver - The Hairstyler
Bronze - District 19 Salon
H4: Tell us more about your look.
EX: Our artwork, Path of Aurora, was inspired by the dawn of a new era. There were challenges and difficulties but we learnt that exploring new solutions can, unexpectedly, reap better results than what was planned.
TH: The inspiration for our work, The Future Warrior, came from the future deification, abstraction and the creation of an alien shape with lighting effect. The biggest challenge we had was thinking the best way to fix the headgear to the model in a short period. This was also our first time taking part so nervousness did hinder us too.
D19: Our inspiration actually came from GSA 2019’s theme — Prism. Our work, Rise of the Prismnator, was conceived with the idea of bringing colour to the world.
How do you feel about being in the top 3?
EX: It felt really amazing to have been able to win the first place together as a team. We knew that things would get complicated and we really learnt a lot from our experiences.
TH: We are already very satisfied with second because our opponents were all very skilled and their works were all very creative.
What are your thoughts about GSA?
EX: So many local hairdressing talents gathered for a night of celebration, GSA is really a great platform to learn from and network with each other. With GSA2020 being an international competition, we really hope to see styles, artworks, and cultures designed by hairdressers from other countries.
TH: We feel that the number of contestants taking part is slowly but steadily increasing. We look forward to seeing the creative ideas from abroad.
D19: We hope to see more creative styles, especially for next year’s global edition. Hopefully, we’d get to hear some professional comments and opinions.